Enterprise Membership


Give your organization quick access to validated services in the most relevant markets and manage and accelerate a solid innovation pipeline.

Membership on the enterprise level includes resources for business development and enhancing your commercial platform or supply chain, and is a source of innovative collaborations.


Enterprise Membership caters to the needs of the large, international organization, that requires international innovation collaboration, market expansion, investment, and innovation research. The membership includes a full range of services to help you get the birds-eye view of where you are headed, and how to accelerate and perpetuate the fulfillment of desired objectives.

Exploration of new market segments, facilitated connections with new discoveries and technologies, and access to validated partnering options are some of the services we can incorporate as a part of your membership plan.

The point of departure for your membership will always be the individual needs of your company. Expect to be contacted within three business days after purchase, for an initial conversation and evaluation, and for the optimization of your presence on the platform.

  • Enhancing your commercial platform and supply chain
  • Product commercialization progression
  • Bespoke innovation and partner matchmaking

Enterprise Membership includes full platform access, fifty assignment and project posts, panel and investment delegation participation, active match-making, five expert memberships, and VIP access to events.

The membership fee is paid yearly and upon consultation  – no automatic renewal.